Information is a strategic resource; your information systems power the financial and operational integrity of your organisation. Our information technology services ensure that the IT effectiveness of your organisation is continuously improved.

Our team of audit experts can help you navigate the complexities and provide you with robust independent assurance that your IT risks, key management priorities and core systems are being appropriately managed.

Our services include:

IT Advisory
  • IT strategy
  • Solution selection
  • Governance of ICT
  • IT policies and procedures
  • IT controls
  • Cybersecurity
  • IT due diligence
  • Digital forensics
  • IT risk assessments
  • Cloud computing
  • Social Media-related risks
  • SOX IT Controls testing
IT Assurance
  • Service Organisation Control (SOC 1/2/3) audits & reports (ISAE 3402 & AT 101)
  • General controls reviews
  • Detailed operating system security reviews (NT, W200x, UNIX, mainframes)
  • Internet and firewall testing
  • Application controls reviews (ERP and in-house developed applications, etc)
  • Pre and post system implementation reviews
  • Database reviews (Oracle, ingress, SQL Server)
  • IT disaster recovery and business continuity reviews.
  • Continuous auditing using CAATs.
IT solutions
  • Continuous monitoring using CAATs
  • Data analytics
  • IT project management
  • Capacity building – we can train your IT auditors and help build capacity in your internal audit function
  • Training/seminars, coaching and mentoring.