Specialised support and advice to listed entities and clients planning to list on securities exchanges.

Specialised support and advice to listed entities and clients planning to list on securities exchanges. We are accredited with the JSE, Eswatini Stock Exchange, New York Stock Exchange, London Stock Exchange and Luxembourg Stock Exchange.

Our accredited specialists on the JSE include Reporting Accountant Specialists, IFRS advisors and Independent Professional Experts (valuations). We have been involved in various global bond issues for some of our large listed clients and state-owned companies.

We provide expert advice in the following areas:

Embarking on an initial public offering will be the single most important and visible transaction in the life of a company. Our experienced team provides advisory services and supports the pre-listing, listing and post-listing phases.

Our IPO /listing readiness services will save you time and money and maintain focus on growing your business by implementing an efficient private-to-public transformation plan.

We provide fairness opinions for listed entities engaged in corporate transactions.  We also provide fairness opinions as required by the Companies Art of South Africa.

We are accredited and act as reporting accountants to listed entities involved in various corporate transactions across multiple industries.