Independent insights on target entities that help you with investment decisions.

Transactions are significant events in the life of a business. They can have a lasting impact on the future shape of the organisations involved. Because the stakes are high for both buyers and sellers, experience, determination and pragmatism are required to bring deals successfully through to a conclusion.

We work with businesses, their owners and management teams in various markets at all stages of their life cycles. From exploring the strategic options available to businesses and shareholders to advising and project managing the chosen solution, we provide a truly integrated corporate finance offering.

Our teams provide expert advice in the following areas:

We provide robust financial and tax due diligence services that are clearly linked to our clients’  requirements as purchasers, and also suitable for their funders.

Environmental, Social and Governance matters are growing in significant importance for corporate entities. The ESG impact and compliance by entities are carefully considered by our ESG experts.

Our Technology and Digital experts provide a wide range of services that assists clients in obtaining an understanding of the technology and digital maturity of an entity and all related IT risks.

Our B-BBEE experts provide advisory services on B-BBEE regulatory and compliance requirements impacting business.

Operational and technical assessments are critical to understanding the age, condition and outputs of operational and strategic assets in a business.

When selling a business, multiple due diligence investigations can be disruptive and intense for you and your business. You will benefit from our open and collaborative approach - working with you and your advisors to produce a vendor due diligence report that is independent, robust, and valued by prospective investors.