At SNG Grant Thornton, we have a well-established specialized technical division, with in-depth, local and international knowledge and experience, which consists of three units namely; Accounting, Audit and Sustainability reporting.

The Accounting and Sustainability reporting units provide technical support on financial reporting (International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), International Financial Reporting Standard for Small and Medium-sized Entities (SMEs) and Standard of Generally Recognised Accounting Practice (GRAP)), and Integrated Reporting to our clients in all industries, including the public sector and private sector within South Africa, and on the wider African continent and our assurance team.

The Audit Technical unit provides audit technical support to our assurance team on the audit methodology and the related tools, ensuring that they are consistent with relevant professional standards and regulatory requirements. The team also develops guidance used by the firm professionals and provides training on audit-related matters to ensure consistency and effectiveness in audit engagements.

SNG Grant Thornton is registered with the Johannesburg Stock Exchange to audit and issue reporting accountant opinions on listed entities. We are also registered with the New York Stock Exchange and Luxembourg Stock Exchange. Since the emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic and the general increase in market volatility, there has been a call-out by the regulators to ensure that there is transparency in financial reporting given the uncertainties and complexities created in the financial system. Our firm  ensures that the impact of these changes is thoroughly assessed for the benefit of the users of financial statements.