Digital and Analytics
We have developed distinctive capabilities in digital advisory and data analytics that are key to the success of dynamic organisations.
Business Consulting
Our business consulting services help organisations improve operational performance and productivity throughout the growth life cycle.
Corporate Finance & Restructuring
We combine our insights and experience to provide a comprehensive range of advisory and corporate finance and restructuring solutions.
Internal Audit
Our internal audit service is designed to provide both assurance and consulting assistance on the adequacy and effectiveness of an organisation’s system of internal controls.
Business Risk Services
Our service is focused on enabling broader risk coverage and proactive management of risks for the achievement of organisational strategy.
Business Process Solutions
We work with a multitude of organizations to improve their finance function efficiency, reduce costs associated with business processes and provide a complete solution to the challenge faced by South African organizations.
Programme Assurance & Advisory
Our aim is to protect shareholder value by providing Assurance and Advisory services on change portfolios and large-scale programmes to assist organisations.
Forensic Services
Our forensic capability is integrated with our wider advisory services – not an add-on.
Cyber Advisory
Our Cyber Advisory service is designed to help you identify, protect, detect, respond and recover from cyber-attacks.
IT Advisory Services
We help clients to navigate the complexities and provide you with robust independent assurance that your IT risks, key management priorities and core systems are being appropriately managed.
We have a dynamic actuarial team set to assist businesses to comply with the audit standards where actuarial services are required.
General Audit
We provide a sound statutory audit of financial statements specialising in both listed entities and state-owned organisations.
Financial Services Group (FSG)
The Financial Services Group (FSG) offers specialised audit and advisory solutions to the banking, treasury and financial services sectors.
Technical Excellence
We have a well-established specialized technical division, with in-depth, local and international knowledge and experience, which consists of three units namely; Accounting, Audit and Sustainability reporting.
Corporate Tax
We offer your business access to a global network of tax specialists in over 130 countries with extensive corporate tax technical skills to provide meaningful advice and adding value to your organization.
Value-Added Tax
We can manage your overall exposure to indirect taxes, guide you through complex South African Value-Added Tax (VAT) legislation.
Global Mobility
Taxes can be complicated, but the SNG Grant Thornton approach is to assist the new assignee with a clear and easy process.
Customs and Excise Tax
Our Customs and Excise team assist traders with driving cost-effective supply chains while maintaining legitimate trade.
Tax Technology
This is the lynchpin of our tax audit and advisory approach in making the tax function of our clients effective in data management tools.
International Tax & Transfer Pricing
Our team is ideally suited to serve large multinationals and other global companies that need on the ground expertise in multiple jurisdictions, given our extensive network of offices around the globe.
Specific Focus Areas
We have a team of dedicated tax specialists with deep knowledge to bring practical and cost-effective tax solutions to our clients and assist entities operating within these sectors to effectively manage their tax needs.
Tax Dispute Resolution (TDR) Services
Taxpayers are experiencing significant increase in number and size of tax audits by SARS which are leaving taxpayers with additional assessments and penalties, sources of tax disputes.
Business Consulting
We provide fit-for-purpose solutions to address major challenges the Education sector faces by supporting our clients.
Employees’ Tax Services
Its important to ensure that the institution complies with the tax legislation and that all payroll records are accurate and complete.
Programme Assurance & Advisory
The need for sound project management and effective solution delivery gives you the edge in competitive markets.
Forensic Services
Fraud detection review and forensic investigation for Higher Education
Digital and Analytics
The digitalisation of processes within the higher education sector leads to increased data generation. This data can be an essential asset when leveraged correctly.
Cyber Security Services
There is no one-size-fits-all security solution to preventing all attacks, but we have cybersecurity strategies that education institutions can use to minimise cyber threats.

Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs)
SDG Impact Standards Training Course
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Eswatini's tax landscape overview highlights the country's tax landscape together with other regulatory considerations of setting up an entity in Eswatini.
Doing business in country
Eswatini uses a source-based tax system of taxation. However, certain foreign income can be deemed to be earned in Eswatini.
Please note that Eswatini will be transitioning to a residence-minus system of taxation. As of the date of this questionnaire, it is not clear when these changes will be gazetted.
Foreign companies, Private companies, Limited liability companies, Government owned companies (parastatals), Not for Profit companies. Partnerships and trusts are also permissible.
Generally, no requirements for locals to own shares except in mining operations where 50% must be held by the government.
For Eswatini being a sourced-based jurisdiction, liability for tax ( corporate and Individual) is created by physical presence.
In a lot of cases for both corporates and natural persons, physical presence creates a permanent establishment thereby creating a liability for income tax whilst online presence will most likely create a liability for withholding taxes in our context.
A Company can open a bank account by submitting its incorporation documents to a bank of its choice and can use the services in an instant.
Corporate income tax
Eswatini requires company registration for either a branch or a subsidiary. However, for the repatriation of profits, a subsidiary has a lower withholding tax rate of 10%.
The registration process involves reporting to the registrar of companies and submitting the following documentation:
- Lease agreement
- Health report
- Bank account confirmation
- Temporary resident permit
- ID or passport copies of the Directors
- Memorandum and articles of association
- Form J showing directors and addresses
- Form C showing shareholders and addresses
Within four months from the end of the financial year.
The normal corporate tax rates for both are 30% (2022). Rates vary depending on the industry a company is operating and if they have tax incentives.
There are two fields of application in this regard:
- There is a charge of branch profit tax at a rate of 15% in addition to normal tax. The provision applies to a branch of a non-resident company carrying on business in Eswatini.
- If the company is incorporated in a neighbouring country and it is not a subsidiary or branch of a company incorporated outside a neighbouring country (Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa), the branch tax payable is reduced to a rate of 12.5%.
Yes, the rate for non-residents is 15 %. However, should there be a Double Taxation Agreement the reduced DTA rate will be applicable.
Currently, there is no Capital Gains Tax Legislation in Eswatini, However, a bill has been submitted for approval by Parliament.
Value-Added Tax (VAT)
Standard VAT rate at 15%
Tax levied on the consumption of goods and services at each stage of production. There is a limited scope of exempt and zero-rated goods and services
For direct export, the supplier delivers goods to the export country and is in total control of all aspects of exportation and the exporter is required to keep all required documentation. The rate applicable for VAT is 0%.
For Indirect export, the purchaser arranges for the collection of goods and pays VAT to the local supplier. Upon submission of proof of exportation, the ERS processes the refund.
VAT vendors must have a fixed place of doing business in Eswatini, Keep proper accounting records, and be capable of submitting regular and reliable returns.
The compulsory registration threshold is an annual taxable turnover of SZL 500K.
There is no VAT on electronic services provided from outside Ethiopia.
A Group can elect to register as one or register each branch separately for as long as they are able to keep and maintain separate books of accounts
To register, one is required to complete and submit an application form to the tax authority with the following documents; Lease agreement, bank account confirmation letter, identity document passport for director(s), trading licence, certificate of incorporation, form J
We are not aware of any refund mechanism for foreigners who acquire and/or consume goods whilst in the country.
Taxpayers are required to maintain records for up to a period of 5 years in terms of the VAT legislation.
Employees Tax
1 July to 30 June of each year.
Yes via Final Deduction System (FDS).
Even though these funds are not available in Ethiopia, the tax authority acts as a collecting agent for pension fund.
Not later than 14th day of each month following collection.
Not applicable.
Yes, the top marginal income tax rate for individuals is 33%.
Yes. Upon company registration processes.
Transfer pricing
Eswatini tax legislation contains General Anti Avoidance rules however a bill has been submitted to Parliament that contains detailed transfer pricing rules.
No, as there are no TP reporting requirements yet.
No, currently there is no guiding documentation or legislation with regard to this matter.
International tax
Yes, there is a PE risk for non-residents that conducts business activities in Eswatini within a certain degree of permanence. However, our tax legislation does not have a definition of a PE, Eswatini place reliance on international tax principles such as the UN Model Tax Convention or OECD.
No, as Eswatini applies the source-based tax system.
No, Eswatini runs a source-based tax system.
For Common Monetary Area payments, there are no exchange control risks. However, commercial banks generally require withholding tax certificates as proof that local tax has been paid.
Payments outside CMA are subject to closer scrutiny and there are limits on how much individuals may transfer in a year (SZL 4M).