Past Event: Monday, September 5, 2022

SNG Grant Thornton is a proud Diamond Sponsor for the 2022 Tax Indaba - The Uneven Path to Recovery.




The Line-up

Khanyisa Cingo-Ngandu CA (SA)
Head of Tax
Khanyisa Cingo-Ngandu CA (SA)

Khanyisa is currently serving as the Head of Tax division at SNG Grant Thornton. She has more than 10 years of her work experience specializing in Tax, and her passion for innovation has led to new technology developments within the Tax environment, providing an enormous benefit for our clients. These include VAT analytical tools and Global tax Compliance Tracker.

Mabutho Mthembu
VAT Specialist
Mabutho Mthembu

Mabutho is a Senior Manager – Value-Added Tax at SNG Grant Thornton. He has over 15 years of experience in Tax, specializing in Value-Added Tax. He was previously with KPMG South Africa as a Senior Tax Manager, which included 15 months of secondment with KPMG Lower Gulf, Dubai, where he was involved in implementing VAT in the United Arab Emirates. Mabutho had a stint at General Electric in which he was a VAT Manager for Sub-Sahara Africa, responsible for VAT compliance and consulting services in over 15 countries.

Raeesa Haneef - Attorney of the High Court of SA
International Tax Specialist
Raeesa Haneef - Attorney of the High Court of SA

Raeesa Haneef is an International Tax Specialist at SNG Grant Thornton. She is also an admitted attorney of the High Court of South Africa (Law of Society of South Africa) with 8 years of experience within the tax arena. Her experience extends to several tax areas, including local and cross-border transactions and corporate simplification and restructurings.


DAY 1 - Theme: Tax and Fiscal Policy megatrends

10:45 – 11:30 Base erosion in a deglobalised world

Raeesa Haneef and Michael Hewson

The days of free investment flows of the early 2000s are long gone. The OECD and other multi-laterals are pushing countries to protect their revenues against offshore avoidance. This session explores the latest global trends and South Africa’s course in a deglobalising world.


DAY 2 - Theme: Domestic Business Tax Consideration (Virtual)

09:45 – 10:30 Electronic services as a VAT enterprise

Mabutho Mthembu, Severus Smuts, Suzanne van der Merwe and Desigin Soobramoney

Electronic services have become an increasing mode of doing business. This session explores the dynamics of making that business a VAT enterprise, especially in a group setting.


10:45 – 11:30 Buybacks and other extraordinary distributions

Khanyisa Cingo-Ngandu, Itumeleng Nkadimeng, Emil Brincker and Lesley Bosman

Buybacks and extraordinary distributions have been a key part of corporate transactional planning for quite some time, with a treasury intervening to stop perceived abuse. The question is what's left on the table or whether some avoidance measures have gone too far.