Coinciding with International Women’s Day on 08 March, Grant Thornton’s
research focuses on monitoring and measuring the percentage of women
occupying senior management roles in mid-market companies around
the world.

The SNG Grant Thornton Women in Business (WiB) report has
explored what helps and what hinders women from being appointed in senior
management positions in the workplace, whilst offering businesses pragmatic solutions to incubate a culture of diversity, equity and inclusion.

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20.3% say gender equality strategies have made their business attractive...

There are a diverse range of opinions on the benefits of gender diversity, but one thing is clear: gender balanced teams boost business performance and so action on diversity should be considered a business-critical priority.

Starve a business of women in senior roles and it will likely be starving itself of the opportunity to grow and outperform.

20.3% say gender equality strategies have made their business attractive to prospective clients and investors.

This year, the report has identified three drivers of diversity, which are: