Tax Focus


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Summary of Key amendments passed into Law The Parliament approved the tax measures for the financial year 2022-23, which came into effect from 1st July 2022. Below is a summary of the Key amendments as well as the potential impact of the same.

Tax Procedures Code Act - Amended Penalties for non-compliance of tax stamps and electronic receipting and invoicing: Proposed Penalties for non-compliance of tax stamps and electronic receipting and invoicing

Sec. Ref Summary nature of an Offence Approved amendment
Failure to affix or activate a tax stamps
Prints over or defacing of tax stamps
Forgery of tax stamps
Fine not exceeding Ush 
Failure to use an electronic receipting or invoicing
30,000,000 or imprisonment not
Forgery of electronic receipt or invoice
exceeding 10 years or both
Interference with the electronic fiscal device or electronic dispensing control device
An offence relating to the automatic exchange of information
Fails to file an information return
Fails to maintain records for automatic exchange of information
Fine not exceeding Ush 50,000,000 for each day of default or 
imprisonment not exceeding 10 years or both
Makes a false or misleading statement in the information 
Omits from a statement made in the information return

The payment to informers on the provision of information leading to the identification of unassessed tax or duty is proposed as below

Particulars Approved amendment
Provide information leading to the identification of unassessed tax 
or duty
1% of the tax or duty assessed or Ush. 15,000,000 whichever is 
Provide information leading to the recovery of unassessed tax or 
5% of the tax or duty or Ush. 100,000,000 whichever is less.